This endpoint retrieves the results of a submitted list. Once the status of a list returns as Results, you can retrieve a file that contains the results for the services run on the list and save it locally.

You can either download the file with the name given to it by AtData or set the desired filename in the request:

Specify filename: To name the downloaded results file, add a -o flag, followed by the new filename:

curl -H "api_key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" -o my_file_4321.csv '<YOUR_LIST_ID>/results'

Use AtData's filename: Add a -OJ flag to the request to download with the original name. AtData result file names use the format <list name>-<list id>-TowerData.<extension>. For example, if you submitted Newsletter.csv and it was assigned list ID 4321, the default result filename would be Newsletter-4321-TowerData.csv.

curl -H "api_key: <YOUR_API_KEY>" -OJ '<YOUR_LIST_ID>/results'


Once your results are completed, the call will return the HTTP 200 status, with the following header:

Content-Disposition:attachment; filename={filename}-{list_id}-TowerData.{extension}

If the result file is not ready, the call with return a HTTP 401 status.

Results Format

The resulting file will have:

  • The same format as the input file you submitted. If a .txt or .csv file was submitted, the results file will have the same extension. If a .zip file was submitted, the results will also be zipped.
  • Additional fields added to the end based on the services run.
  • A header row, regardless of whether one was on the input file.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!