Automated SFTP

AtData provides automated processing for files via SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol). The automation checks for new files submitted to the SFTP account, processes the file through the AtData services the account is configured for, and returns the results to the same SFTP site.

File Transfer Process

To process files, transfer them to our SFTP site at The SFTP site is available 24/7, ensuring continuous file transfer capabilities. The system checks for new files every minute and automatically processes any newly uploaded files.



Ensure that filenames are unique. The system ignores files with duplicate names.

Accessing Your SFTP Account

AtData will provide you with the necessary credentials (username and password) to access your SFTP account. Your SFTP account contains two subdirectories:

  • /uploads/: Place new files for processing here.
  • /downloads/: Processed result files will be available here for download.

File Input Format

Files submitted for automated processing must be in the following format:

  • File Type: Plain text (ASCII) file, one record per line.
  • Delimiter: Comma-delimited (CSV) or tab-delimited.
  • Email Column: Only one email column per file.
  • Header Row: Columns should be clearly labeled with a header row using the standard values provided by AtData.
  • Line Termination: Each line must end with a carriage return and newline (\r\n) or just a newline character (\n).
  • File Extensions: Use .csv for CSV files or .txt for tab-delimited files.
  • Zipping Files: Files may be zipped (.zip extension) as long as the enclosed file has the correct extension.

File Output Format

The output file will retain the original filename, appended with -results- and a unique numeric file ID. For example, if the original file is named Emails For Processing.csv and the file ID is 300001, the results file will be named Emails For Processing-results-300001.csv. Tab-delimited files posted with a .txt extension will also have results files with a .txt extension.

The results file will include all the submitted data, with additional AtData columns relevant to the service configured for your account.