Properly formatted files are essential for accurate data processing and verification. This page provides detailed instructions on formatting your CSV or TXT files, including examples, recognized header values, and general guidelines.


Following the guidelines below ensures the efficient handling of your data:

  • Delimiter: The file should use a comma (",") or pipe ("|") delimiter for .csv files. For .txt files, use a tab delimiter.
  • Column Specification: If your file includes more than one email column, specify the column to be processed using the email_column parameter.
  • File Compression: To speed up the transfer of large files, compress the file using zip. Ensure the .zip file contains only a single input file.
  • Header Line: Include a header line in the first row. This helps in denoting the field data. Make sure your header values match one of the recognized values below for proper processing:
FieldRecognized Header Values
First NameFirst name, first, fname
Last NameLast name, last, lname, surname
Full NameFull name
StreetStreet, address, address 1
Street 2Street 2, address 2
CityCity, town
StateState, region, province
ZipZip, postal code, plus4
MD5Hash of a lower-case email address
SHA1Hash of a lower-case email address


Uploaded lists should use either UTF-8 or ISO 8859-1 character sets.

Example File

The following code block exemplifies well-formatted CSV and TXT files:

[email protected],John,Doe,100 Main St Apt 12B,Springfield,MA,01020
[email protected],Mary,Smith,22 Clark Ave,Denton,TX,75065
[email protected],Greg,Flynn,16 Park Ave,New York,NY,10016
Email    First    Last    Address                  City         State    Zip
[email protected]    John    Doe    100 Main St Apt 12B    Springfield    MA    01020
[email protected]    Mary    Smith    22 Clark Ave    Denton    TX    75065
[email protected]    Greg    Flynn    16 Park Ave    New York    NY    10016